Topic: MASKS
Posted By: Colin Green
Date: 2021-05-14 07:37:49
Subject: Do we still have to wear masks indoors at school with the Gov ending the mask mandate?

Governor Walz has ended the mask mandate for indoor settings, pending approval from the MN Executive Council. What does that mean for school settings? The CDC has not yet provided clear guidance for school settings, but has stated that they expect to update guidance for children in school and summer camps soon. With our Minnesotans under 12yrs old being ineligible for vaccines and eligibility for 12- to 15-year-olds was just announced, masking in schools will still be necessary. Minnesota’s Safe Learning Plan, along with the existing face covering guidance for schools and child care settings, do remain in effect until the end of the 2020-21 school year. In short, masks must continue to be worn by everyone, fully vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, inside school buildings or on a school bus.

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